Thursday, May 24, 2012

Rainier adopts state's second social host law

Earlier this week, the City Council in Rainier, a city southeast of Olympia, passed the state's second social host law.  The goal of the new ordinance is to curb underage drinking.

If an underage gathering involves alcohol, the ordinance will hold responsible the person who owns, rents, leases or controls the property where the party happened.  Those held liable will face civil repercussions including fines. 

Social host laws are one tool that communities can use to reduce underage alcohol use.  The ordinance encourages parents and property owners to work together to prevent underage drinking.  "This isn't just about enforcement, it's about educating our community that there is never a safe time for minors to consume alcohol," said Rainier Mayor Randy Schleis. 

Mercer Island was the first Washington community to pass a social host ordinance.  The first citation was given and the fine was paid earlier this year.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Free webcast: Understanding Your Influence

Thursday, June 28th, 2012   
10:00-11:00 a.m.

Influence: the action or process of producing effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of another or others.

Coalitions and the dedicated people who work with them have far-reaching influence in their communities. Working to change laws, regulations, ordinances, and policies is frequently involved.

Policy change is often the fastest way to see population-level impacts and enhance drug-free environments for youth and families. You can make a difference at the local, state and national level.

During the hour-long webcast "Understanding Your Influence", learn how to find your inner advocate and how coalitions can use the power they have to create positive change in their communities. Find out what coalitions can and can't do as far as advocacy and lobbying are concerned. See how changes to laws and policies can improve enforcement, reduce access and availability of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, and increase social disapproval of drug use.

Key Concepts: 

-       Understand the difference between lobbying and advocating

-       Learn what coalitions can and can't do with their funds

-       See how statewide and local coalitions change laws and policies

-       Gain new insight and communications tools to be an effective 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Liquor Control Board seeking input about I-1183 rules

The Washington State Liquor Control Board would like your input on proposed rules to implement Initiative 1183 which privatized liquor sales in Washington. The following chapters in WAC 314 will be addressed in this rule making:

  • WAC 314-05  Special Occasion Licenses
  • WAC 314-11  General requirements for licensees
  • WAC 314-13  Retail licensees purchasing beer, wine, and spirits
  • WAC 314-24  Domestic wineries and domestic wine distributors
  • WAC 314-27  Interstate Commercial Common Passenger Carriers
  • WAC 314-30  Manufacturers
  • WAC 314-36  Importers, Public Storage Warehouses and Importation of Liquor
  • WAC 314-37  Non-state liquor stores
  • WAC 314-38  Permits
  • WAC 314-42  Liquor Control Board operations
  • WAC 314-44  Licensed Agents
  • WAC 314-45  Serving and donating liquor by suppliers at trade conventions of licensees
  • WAC 314-52 Advertising
  • WAC 314-64  Liquor samples
  • WAC 314-76  Special orders

Public Comment
Please forward you initial comments to the Liquor Control Board by June 27, 2012.

Public Hearing
June 27, 2012, 10:00 a.m.
Washington State Liquor Control Board – Board Room
3000 Pacific Avenue SE, Olympia, WA

If you have any questions, please contact the Liquor Control Board at

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Speaking out against marijuana legalization

WASAVP Board member Steve Freng recently appeared on KBCT's Northwest Now speaking out against marijuana legalization.